Musical Bliss

December 19, 2006 at 1:02 pm (Random Ramblings)

Just got back from Uppsala, where I spent the evening with Ainbusk… *swoon* What a way to lead in the holidays! And snow was finally falling, blanketing all in soft white.

There is something special about them. Can’t quite pinpoint the words necessary to describe them accuratly. Left a quick note in the guestbook over at their site;

Den kärleken, den kärleken…. Som bara kan infinnas i energin som strålar mellan en publik och en scen… Hur kan man ärligt och sanningsenligt förmedla känslan av godhet, hopp och värme som utvinns på era fantastiska shower utan att lungorna töms på luft?

Det blev femte året i rad nu som jag fått äran att se er. Lyssna på er och skratta med er. Nytt ställe dock, då det vanligtvis sker i “huvudstaden”…

Det är en lika självklar tradition att se er framträda i juletid som att gå ut och jaga gran med familjen. Tack, åter igen, för att ni finns och delar med er av er själva! Utan er är julen inte längre riktigt “jul”…

Tack Marie för dina igenkännande blickar.
Tack Anneli för din värme.
Tack Bittis för din närvaro.
Tack Josa för din energi.

Många många kramar – Måtte ni veta hur speciella ni är!! // Natalie.

As mentioned – I lack the vocabulary to describe these four ladies in a way that does them justice. Knowing that – I will defy the will to try.

*blissfully snuggles up in red fleece and “raggsockor”, listening to
I Midvintertid with a lovely cuppa*

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Oh me good little gods!!!

December 18, 2006 at 12:15 pm (Random Ramblings)

Something uber-cool has happened!!

It was my best friend’s birthday on the 6th of this month and she’s a huge fan of the show Gilmore Girls. She’s also a so called “JavaJunkie” which is the “term” for fans who think Lorelai and Luke belong together…….. yada yada yada

So – for her b-day I had a pin made with a heart on it and the text “JavaJunkie” written on it, mostly just for fun. She gets very happy and snaps a pic of it and sends it to a friend of hers who just so happens to live close to the set where they shoot the show.

So long story short – This friend, who shall remain nameless, prints out the pic and brings it to the set, where she happens to run into – – – Lauren Graham (Lorelai)!!
She shows her the pic, which she (LG) finds “cute” and actually hangs on to in order to show Scott Patterson (Luke) – He finds it funny and then as a result – Lauren put the pic on her make-up-table!!!!!!!!!!!!

The photo of my little pin that I had made as a joke for my bessie mate’s b-day atually sits on Lauren Graham’s make-up-table!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!

*calming down – let’s move on*

I’ve come to realize in these past couple of months that I love Lucy. Lucy Lawless, that is. Not so much for what she does as for who she is, but I am very excited to see how her new career develops!

Anyroad – I came across her fan club some time back, joined and was immediatly impressed! This completely down-to-earth yet high-flying creature *really* knows how to make a fan feel welcome! I highly recommend a visit to the website if you have even the slightest interest in what she’s up to. Yesterday’s addition of the Christmas Video was a nice treat not often seen from someone of her line of work. (Sharon – You’re a star!)

Christmas! Yikes! Only a few days away now!
Tomorrow I’m heading north for Uppsala. Catching a Christmas show by Ainbusk. It’ll be the fifth year in a row now that I sit front and center at a show of their annual Christmas Tour.

Picked up their DVD a while back… The show they taped last year in Stockholm… Guess who’s face is visable quite a few times…?
Yupp, mine. Front and center, as always… Sorta feels a bit embarrasing, but I can’t really explain why.
The girls know who I am, since I keep showing up once a year. That might have something to do with it. It’s awesome to have a person you look up to recognize you and seemingly appreciate seeing you in the crowd, don’t get me wrong, but… I guess I just feel a bit foolish for always turning up, happy as can be.

In other news;
I created another account on YouTube… This one purely for my new passtime-fun – videos consisting of fotage from Xena and/or Lucy set to music of various origins. I just couldn’t help myself when the possibility presented itself. *insert laughing smilie here* 😉 The videos uploaded there are also viewable here.

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